

Lord Epa's soccer team had an end of year pizza party Thursday night. It was lots of fun and they received very nice trophies. Unfortunately my digital camera died during the middle of the party. Not only did I miss some great photo opportunities, but I am unable to get the photo's that I did take off the camera. Hopefully I will have a new camera before Shining Celebi graduates Thursday.

Lord Epa was suppose to go to a party tonight that one of his team members was throwing, but we seemed to have come down with a tummy bug. Hopefully we will both feel better tomorrow.

- Love My Camera
New camera I love my new camera! We went with the Canon Power Shot A710IS. This was my first choice so I was thrilled when Hubby gave it to me today. It takes wonderful pictures and is a great point and shoot. Since I am a point and shoot kinda gal...

- Mgccc Starts Grad Season
Nearly 1,500 receive diplomas, Shining Celebi was one of them. He graduated with honors (he is also a member of Phi Theta Kappa), and as you can imagine we are very proud of him. It was a nice day. After graduation, we took the grandparents out to eat...

- What's Up In Alasandra's World ~manekineko
Apparently everyone I know (even those people I only know through the Internet) have been experiencing the crud, in one form or another. It started in our household with Shining Celebi, preceded to Hubby and then just as Hubby had recovered and was leaving...

- Soccer Mishaps
Lord Epa displaced his patella at soccer practice Thursday. They had to call an ambulance to take him to the ER. I was very impressed with the EM-T's and the hospital staff at Ocean Springs hospital. They did their best to make sure Lord Epa was...

- Wrapping Presents & Homeschooling
Four days till...........................Lord Epa's birthday! and I have yet to get his presents wrapped. I was going to wrap them last Monday while the guys were at soccer practice, but I got offered a deal I couldn't pass up. IF I would take...

