Pascagoula River Audubon Center

Pascagoula River Audubon Center

 Mommy went to the Pascagoula River Audubon Center's Grand Opening. She has been waiting on this day since the boy beans were still little boys, they are all grown up now. These birds were dressed in their best to impress the visitors.

 Mommy said everything looked really nice and she meet a sweet little black dog that had been abandoned. The people at the Audubon Center were taking care of her while they looked for a home for her. She was very well behaved.

 They have lots of wildflowers.

 Great artwork.

 A chimney for chimney swifts.

 A rain garden.

 This is a Scout Hut where some Boy Scouts meet. It made Mommy smile because Mr. Mark was youngest boy's scout master. Mr. Mark is the Director of the Pascagoula River Audubon Center, Mommy was glad she had a chance to talk to Mr Mark and Mozart while she was there.

 A nice pier. You can go up on the roof and look through a telescope.

 A juvenile Blue Heron. Who knew they weren't blue like the adults.

 Mommy wants to get this wildflower for our yard.

 Our friend Max was really excited about all the neat displays they had inside, he showed Mommy how to work them.

 They also had some lovely paintings inside, these two were Mommy's favorites.

 They also had some lovely floral displays.

Mommy said she would love to have a front door painted like this. ~Fenris, reporting for ATCAD

PeeS: Socks is over at the Pet Parade today.

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