

One thing you will notice about this blog is 
the fact that it is heavily loaded with photographs.
I love taking pictures.
And slowly, very slowly, over the years of "taking pictures",
I am learning a little about photography.
Not as much as I want to know.
But then, that's the wonderful thing about life...
There is always so much to learn!

I have vowed to never stop learning...
to never stop trying new things.

There is one thing that I know for sure...
If someone else can do it, then you and I can do it, too.
Patience, perseverance, and practice.
Those three p's are the key.

And so, on my journey through life I am trying to capture the highlights
through the lens of my camera.
I am trying to do more than just "take pictures".
I am trying to capture the essence of a moment, a place, a person, an animal.

I have to admit that animals are my favorite subject.
And one that definitely requires patience.

I have found that the easiest way to take good animal photos is to just sit amongst the
If you sit long enough, they give up on trying to figure out your agenda.
Once they forget about your presence, they start to do what comes natural.

And this is where the photos get good!

Sam is always a great subject.
He is usually very lazy and loves to just "chill".

Bobby, on the other hand is a mover and a shaker.

Getting him to stay still and not be on top of you is a challenge.

And there is nothing more difficult than taking a photo of a cat in your face!

So, we sit and we wait.

And the magic happens.

And gets better.

Until, eventually, we have exactly what we want!

Now, Oakley, on the other hand is a whole different story.
He is wary of the camera.
Camera shy, really.

He is my wise old man...not an ounce of ego or pride in him.
He is loyal and true and loving.
Best. Dog. Ever.

And now, after my amateur photos,
here is a professional treat for you....
Mackenzie's newborn photo...


Well, Friday is upon us once again.
We are off to Pittsburgh this weekend for a wedding.
Amanda and Tim and friends are minding the farm for us.
I'll be back on Monday with more "Tails From the Farm".

Enjoy your weekend!...and make sure you take time to learn something new!

- Motivation
I could probably be much more efficient in my work around the farmif I didn't spend so much time behind the lens of the camera. But then...think of how much I would miss! Photography keeps me focused on the beauty around me,rather than the task...

- Back On Course
Between you and me, yesterday morning hit me like a brick wall.All that I had worked toward for the past year was over.Boom.Just like that. I awoke with the realization that life was about to change.I'm not saying that change is bad....change is...

- Our Oscar-nominated Sammy
I have a story to tell you about this fellow.And although I have a whole lot of pictures...none of them actually belong to the story. The pictures?  A practice photo shoot...working on portraits.Yesterday.More about that later.  (I have much...

- Snack Time From Below
It's a good thing that our animals don't understand cameras,or pictures,or what we do with those pictures. I am pretty sure that if they knew their silly faces were being shown over the internet,they might have a thing or two to say on the subject....

- Donkeys Decoded
It's almost impossible to write a post about the donkeyswith adorable pictures that follow the story line.Unlike goats, who are always happy to strike a pose. Donkeys, on the other hand, just don't seem to get the concept.For example.... These...

