Back On Course

Back On Course

Between you and me, yesterday morning hit me like a brick wall.
All that I had worked toward for the past year was over.
Just like that.

I awoke with the realization that life was about to change.
I'm not saying that change is bad....change is just change...
a time to re-work, re-think, set new priorities.
We've had at least one of our kids living with us for the past 5 years!

And so I set about to start a new week without mile-long lists.

I worked on laundry (every sheet and towel in the house had been used over the weekend).
I'll be continuing the laundry today as well!

I took my time doing animal chores, and spent some time just lounging with my friends.

How nice it felt to just kick back and enjoy my surroundings!

There is hardly any reminder of how things looked just two short days ago.
The flooded dance floor wilted a patch of grass,
but that will grow back perfectly with the help of sunlight.

The only remaining clues that anything special happened on this farm
are the continued presence of the portable luxury bathrooms...
(and although they are pretty darn amazing, 
I am ready to enjoy my adorable little outhouse once again!)
and the frisbee golf baskets in the goat pasture.

I spent a few moments lying on my back watching the clouds,
with Moll cat beside me...

and sitting with the lambs.

I might just get used to a slower paced life once again!

I worked in the garden for a while...
picking supper for last night...

and tonight.

And so, as I start this new time in life...
this quieter time...
I am going to be present in every moment, taking the time to create a little magic whenever possible.

If you would like to see the sneak peak of wedding photos from Philter Photography...
Click HERE.
They are pretty spectacular!
Tell me your favorite!

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