Porcine Pedicurist

Porcine Pedicurist

On any given day, on the farm, I wear many hats...
gardener, animal caretaker, landscaper, feedboy, 
handyman, groomer, cook, laundress, housekeeper...
too many to count.

Yesterday I donned my piggy pedicurist hat,
and headed into the pig yard.

The grass had dried from earlier rains,
so I settled into a dry patch of hay and waited.

Eventually MaryAnn decided to settle down for a nap.
With me rubbing her belly, she quickly fell asleep.

While MaryAnn sleeps, I take each foot and carefully trim her hooves.

She's used to me fussing with her when she sleeps.
I usually clean the crusty exudate from the corners of her eyes
and the cracks of her snout.

I love the fact that these girls are so comfortable in their life that they
allow me to do just about anything for them...
all the while sleeping!


We have one more sure sign of spring here on the farm...

duck eggs!

Our lady quackers only lay eggs in the spring and early summer,
so this is a welcomed sight indeed!

I am heading to town today to pick up Tyler and bring him back to the farm
for the weekend.
I am sure we will have a blast!

Hope your weekend is terrific, too.
Let's compare notes on Monday!
(I want to hear how you filled your weekend!)

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