Porcine Snow Cones

Porcine Snow Cones

Yesterday was another blue sky, sunny day.
The snow is melting and the ground is becoming soggy.

The warmth of the sun allowed me to do afternoon chores without my jacket.
How free one feels when the heavy winter outerwear is no longer needed!

Ginger and MaryAnn came out to visit with me.

They sniffed the air.
"Spring is coming, girls, you can smell it, can't you!"

"We thought of a way to help make spring come even faster," proclaimed MaryAnn.
"We shall just eat the snow!"  they both chimed in.

"Oooooh, I think your little piggy bellies might get cold.  Or you might get a headache
from eating so much cold,"  I warned.

"That's the silliest idea,"  laughed Annie.

But, the pigs were not to be stopped.
Once a little piggy gets an idea in her head, she becomes a force of nature.

Both girls set about getting rid of the snow.
Just like this.....

At this rate, girls, Spring should arrive in another couple of years.
Luckily you will have lots of help from Mother Nature this week!

I received an email yesterday from a website entitled Mother Nature Network. (www.mnn.com)
They had chosen my blog amongst several others and featured it in an article
entitled "11 Fascinating Farm Blogs".
I am so excited!!
Be sure to follow the link and check out the article...as well as the other farm blogs featured!
There is an adorable photo of Red and Ollie featured in the article as well.
My Littles are famous!!!

- Spring Fever
The front pasture was the scene of pure, unadulterated joy,yesterday afternoon,as I opened the gate for the first time in a month... allowing the horses and donkeys the freedom to run wild. The gate opened, like the starting gate at the Kentucky Derby,...

- Snow Vs. Mud
And the snow just keeps on melting.There are small rivers running through the farm right now. I stepped through the gate into the pig yard yesterday and sunk in mud up to my ankles. Mud!Where the snow is not....the mud is! The pig yard and sheep yard...

As the moon hangs on the horizon, right before dawn... the horses are eating their breakfast... as are the donkeys... The turkeys gaze upon the peace of the blue hour from their toasty house... and I hear the weather man on the radio in the barn talking...

- Friends
You might think me odd when I tell you how exciting yesterday afternoon was for me.But then again, if you know me, you won't think it odd at all! Yesterday afternoon was Super Duper Pooper Scooper afternoon! After a month with snow on the ground...

- Rainy Silliness
Yesterday afternoon I ran to town to do some Christmas shopping. I left the Littles in the front pasture for the afternoon, as the weather was cold and cloudy. Sometime while I was in town, however, it started to rain. This is what I came home to......"Hey...

