

I am so ready for winter to be over. While I was at Walmart today besides picking up a window-box to plant the lavender seeds in (I hope it does good in a container?) I got some wildflower seeds (perennial mixture), and some cosmos seeds ( a pretty pale pink color) to go in a smaller window-box and some portulaca seeds for another container. I have never had much luck with seeds so I am keeping my fingers crossed they will do OK. I am going to plant them in their respective containers tomorrow and put them in my bedroom window until the weather is warmer.

I also picked up some pansies to place in a container with some iris bulbs I have to plant.

And I have had such good luck with my Cyclamen as a houseplant (I have had it since last May and it's in full bloom now) I purchased another one. My new one has dark pink blooms which will blend nicely with the pale pink blooms of my old one. I would love to have one with blue blooms like the one shown at the link. I'll keep an eye out for that color.

I also need to plant the camellia my Mother rooted for me. I have had it in a pot for a few years until it got BIG enough the kids couldn't accidentally run over it while cutting grass. I wonder what color blooms it has, it'll be a surprise when it finally blooms as Mother doesn't know which of her camellias rooted.

I want to plant the ferns I have around the crepe myrtle since Hubby made a nice border around the tree. I also want to root more of the purple heart I have and put it around the red-bud tree in the back once I have enough.

If Hubby tills up the ground next to the side walk I want to plant some calla lilies there. I love the canna lilies I have in the back. They are a lot easier to grow then it sounds from the website. I threw them into a mud hole and they came up, no planting required, my type of flower. And I am going to add some lantana to the flowerbed I have around the bird feeder.
I'll also be redoing my hanging baskets once spring is REALLY here.

- Thursday In The Garden
This Camellia is in our neighbors yard it is huge and full of blooms we hope ours will be as large one day. This cactus is blooming in our greenhouse. The Mandevilla  is safe from Jack Frost in our greenhouse too. Some Canna Lilies that...

- Twins On Tuesday ~ Another Dare
Maya and Kena -We dare you all to take part in helping prevent global warming (even by making tiny changes) by planting a seed of any species of plant, naming it, and watching it grow while posting the progress on your blog! We are kinda doing this backward...

- Thursday Thirteen #20
Thirteen Things about Lilies Many plants that have “lily” as part of their common name (such as daylily or peace lily) are not “true” lilies. True lilies belong to the genus Lilium. They grow from bulbs made of fleshy, overlapping scales with...

- The Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden
We are all still grieving over the loss of Whiskers. In order to honor his memory we have decided to create a butterfly garden around his grave site. He enjoyed being around his family and this will give us a peaceful spot to sit close to his grave and...

- Inquiring Minds....en Guard! (ening)
Janice asked:  "Enjoyed your fairy garden. How do you decide on what to put in it each year. And your beautiful flower gardens. Do you save the seeds from the year before??? Thanks, now i know what i have, lack of sunshine and the outside jobs, wow...

