Protecting the Divine

Protecting the Divine

I walk outside in the morning, 

bathed in the light of the rising sun
and I come alive.

The earth reaches up to support my soles,
and in doing so, stirs my soul.

My skin is kissed by the gentle breeze that gives dry leaves flight,
and I humbly thank The Divine for another day.

Farm visitors ask, when I recant my list of daily duties,
if there isn't a day that comes along when I wish I could just stay in bed.
And I say "no".

For it is in the moment that I walk out the door and greet my world that I feel most alive.
Knowing that there are countless souls awaiting my arrival each morning
gives me purpose.
Food may be first on their agenda, but they always honor me by pausing a moment
to commune.
In a moment of reverence and thankfulness, we touch, we breathe in the scent of each other, we nuzzle...

and then they eat...
and I continue on my way.

Every morning is exactly the same in its wonder-fulness
and completely different in its subtleties.
And through all of it I am touched by the glory of life on earth...
fully aware that I am surrounded by The Divine.

In a time when the world "out there" is so broken...
so out of touch...
so lost...

I can't help but think that if I could take each and every person along with me
here in my world...
that they might see what I see and feel what I feel...
that maybe, then, they might want to work toward change...

I can't help but believe that so many just need to have their eyes opened
to the tangible divine-ness that exists in our world...
away from all of the distractions...
those unimportant things that have somehow been made "important".

How could you immerse yourself in the beauty of this world,
and not want to protect it,
improve it
 nurture it,
save it,
for generations to come...
so that they, too, can touch The Divine.

Obviously, not everyone in the world can live surrounded by nature.
Not everyone can go back to the land.
Not everyone can farm.

Each and every one of us can, however, "do the right thing" in our lives
to make this world a better place...
in all of the small ways...
in all of the big ways...
in every choice we make...
in the policies we enact.

All of our actions cause a ripple in the world....
a ripple that grows.
Can't each of us start a positive ripple?

Let's start by remembering how divine our world is...
and let's take the very best care of it... all of it.

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