All Creatures Great and Small

All Creatures Great and Small

This is why I carry a camera with me all of the time. 

Heartwarming scenes like this happen every day
here on the farm.

Carrying my camera helps me to take the time
to notice.

To notice how gentle and loving our animals are...
all of them.

They all live in a peaceful world, free from fear.
They all accept each other as brothers.
These animals, 
who in the wild would be predator and prey,
live in perfect harmony.

This is my world.
It's simple, it's quiet, it's reverently beautiful.
I am constantly in awe of the gentle spirits of the 
souls I have the honor of caring for.

This is my world.
Thanks for stopping by to share it with me.

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- The Sounds Of Silence
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- Peace And Quiet
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- Welcome Tj And Mojo!
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