Putting a Little Color in My Day

Putting a Little Color in My Day

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

We remain in the midst of rain and fog.
Clear weather is on the horizon,
and the holidays should be sunny.

It's weather like this that I am so glad I am not a dairy farmer.
God bless them!

I had part of yesterday off, so I left the farm
and headed for town...
to do a little grocery shopping.

I spent a good portion of the day with Tyler and his Mommy.
We went to Monkey Joe's.

It's a gymnasium sized room full of blow up slides and jumps...
tons of fun!!

We had a blast!!!

What a great way to blow off a little pre-Christmas steam!

And it's certainly a little more cheerful scenery than this....

PS....Happy first day of Winter!!

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