Staying Indoors

Staying Indoors

After a week of beautiful days,
we are receiving some much needed rain.

In fact, we are receiving a LOT of rain.
The mowing and weeding are all caught up,
so we are concentrating on inside tasks...organizing every nook and cranny we can find.

Steady rain puts outdoor life on hold for most of our four legged friends.

The goats will stay inside their houses until the sun comes back out.

As will the donkeys. (After all, we wouldn't want to get our tiaras wet!)

"Rain?  What rain?" say the horses.

The turkeys tolerate it....a bit bedraggled.

As for the pigs...
they will stay housebound until it stops!

This rain will be wonderful for the garden and the orchards...
and for me...
one less daily chore.
No watering!

Have a wonderful weekend wherever you are.
And if you need a little rain, let me know.
I will direct it your way!

See you again on Monday when the sun comes back out!

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