Rainy Days and Gooseberries

Rainy Days and Gooseberries

Rainy days are not so bad on the farm.
They are an opportunity to slow down just a bit.
This week will have its share of rainy days,
so I have been given a break from the garden watering and grass watering chores.

The garden is growing at an unbelievable pace.
Our first crop of broccoli is ready to harvest.

The sugar peas will soon blossom and shortly after that will be loaded with pea pods.

Radishes are peeking their blushing cheeks above the soil.

And the flowers are quite delighted with the rain.

I have added several rose bushes around the perimeter of the garden.
I love mixing flowers with vegetables.

Ollie, one of the Littles, seems to be quite enamored with the pigs.

While everyone else was busy eating (the horses' favorite pastime),

Ollie was busy visiting with Ginger and MaryAnn.

During one of yesterday's showers,
I took the opportunity to bake a gooseberry pie (Hubbs' very favorite pie).

We have one gooseberry bush, so each year I make just one pie.
The bush is big enough this year, though, that I just might make another for the freezer.

Gooseberries are the unripe red currant and are quite sour.
But, oh so good with ice cream on top!!

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