Rmembering Miss Peach

Rmembering Miss Peach

Graphic by Zoolatry
 Miss Peach a gentle ladycat who lived in the Cozy Cottage went to the Rainbow Bridge a year ago, but is still missed very much by her family and friends.

When the Peach Angel Trumpets bloom in our yard we thinks of her so we thought we would share the Angel Trumpets with you in her memory today.

- Scylla Sunday
 I thought I would show you the flowers up at the house. These have really taken off. They are in a planter that looks like a hollow log.  Three different colored Angel Trumpets planted in the same pot. We kinda think the company that sold them...

- Wordy Wednesday
 Our yellow Angel Trumpet is doing pawsomce. The pink one hasn't bloomed this year, and we don't even have a Devil's Trumpet this year. This is how you tells Angel & Devil Trumpets apart. Angel Trumpets point down and have green stems....

- We Got An Award
These are the rules: Those who have received this award, can add the pic Add a link to that person’s blog who awarded you ~ That would be Chica & Pumuckl two great cats that used to live in Egypt and now live in Germany. We love going on tours...

- Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden Update
This is a flowering maple. Mommy likes the pretty yellow color. Here is an old~fashioned gladiola. Mommy needs to move it to the bulb bed this fall. Mommy & Daddy were going to do it this spring, but the warm weather got here too fast for them. ...

- Rites Of Passage
Kids are born.They shakily learn to stand on their own feet. At first they stay close to their mothers for protection.Then they venture off.They mature.They become independent. They become adults.They have their own kids. And the cycle continues......Life....

