Saturday Artwork & Photohunt Ginormous

Saturday Artwork & Photohunt Ginormous

 The Blue Heron is a GINORMOUS bird. Mommy liked the picture she took of him so much she did some artistic stuff with it. This is one with back lighting.

 This is colored pencil

And this is black and white. Which do you likes best? ~ATCAD

- Caturday Art
Yin is visiting an alternate universe. Isn't it funny how it turned her furs partially white. Here she is with some bubbles. Scylla with colored pencil Haven't got a clue what Mom did here but Yin looks pretty as a picture. Here Mommy made a blurry...

- Caturday Starring Yang
 We hope you aren't tired of us. Scylla says we have been hogging the blog. We can't help it we are majorly CUTE.  In the first picture we used Infrared.  All of the pictures are a variation of this one, Which is the original. Mommy...

- Caturday Art With Yin And Yang
Foster Mommy said we could be the subject of her artistic experiments.  She turned everything Black & White here. We got the Bubble effect here. And this is a pencil sketch. ~Yin, reporting for ATCAD An InLinkz Link-up ...

- Caturday Art
 We are sharing the same picture over and over but Mommy did different things to it. This is vivid colors.  This was with back lighting.  Here she did seamless tiling. And in this one she turned everything black and white except the rose....

- Feathers On Friday
Some of the birds that visit us are very small like this hummingbird. They are also very fast, Mommy was surprised she got a picture of it in flight, they usually zoom around too fast for her to focus on. Some of the birds that visit us blend in with...

