Saturday Sharing

Saturday Sharing

Mommy added some Coleus to the Peace Lily to give some color to the arrangement.

The hot pink Coleus is called Carnival, the others didn't have interesting names.

This arrangement is doing good.

Mommy found the cobalt blue pot on sale at Walmart, and she got the plant stands at the Herb and Garden Fest.

We just love the blue Superbells, although they look more purple to us.

This is the Superbells when Mommy first planted them. She got plants that weren't blooming so they would do better and bloom more for us.

This is an old favorite that did well over the winter in the green house. Vinca seem to be very hardy. ~Fenris & Tuiren reporting for ATCAD

Clementine @ Life from a Cat's Perspective is missing please purr that she will be found soon her parents are very worried. And if you live near them please keep your eyes peeled for her. 

- Mancat Monday
Somebody asked if Scylla is the main garden helper, the fact is we all lend a paw. While Scylla lays in the flower beds and talks to the plants, they really likes that. I roam the yard looking for problems. I tell Mommy about fire ant beds so hopefully...

- Scylla Sunday (flashback) & What Mommy Got At The Herb & Garden Fest Saturday
I loves to sleep in Mommy's flowerbeds. The flowerpots are pretty comfy too. Except when Mommy waters them. I am looking forward to the butterflies returning, they should be here soon. We have seen a few of the small yellow ones already. I loves...

- Thursday In The Garden
The Pineapple Sage is blooming, it looks very lovely. The Victoria Blue Salvia is still blooming, we are very pleased with it. The Gladiolas are getting in on the act. The Peace Lily and Coleus are putting on a show, the Coleus is even blooming. The Gardenias...

- Please Purr Clementine Will Be Found Soon
Clementine from Life From a Cat's Perspective is still missing. Please purr that she is found soon and please keep your eyes peeled for her. ...

- Thursday In The Garden
Mommy went to the Herb and Garden Fest in Ocean Springs, she was very naughty and didn't take any of us with her not even the doggies. See the small plant on the table, that is the catnip she got at the Herb and Garden Fest. She got two pillows for...

