Scenes From An Autumn Day

Scenes From An Autumn Day

Early Autumn in our neck of the woods...

The corn is dry... the leaves are changing... the grass remains green...

all under the bluest of blue skies!

I took the above pictures on my way to the feed store yesterday.
Running errands is like being on vacation...
I honestly cannot imagine it more beautiful in Tuscany or Provence.

It's been a while since I have given you an update on these guys...

Sadly, we are down from 18 to just 10.

They continue to roost at night in the huge, old pine tree outside the barn.

During the daytime, they spend most of their time hanging out near the chickens.

Most days, if you find the turkeys, you'll find the guineas...

which is good...
because they spend their days eating bugs...
and the more insects they eat here on the farm, the better!

It looks as if the roosters have finished with their pumpkin carving project.
You can most definitely detect a large mouth, and two tiny, beady eyes...
otherwise... a lot of freckles, or a really bad case of acne.

Forgive me for repeating how much I love this time of year!
Right now we still have the best of summer's beauty...

accompanied by the splendid colors of Autumn.

I removed the blossoms from one of our hydrangeas
(another autumn favorite!)
and placed them in a basket on the front door.
They've dried nicely and will stay until the winds and rains have their way with them.

By that time it will be time to decorate for Christmas!
Can you believe it?
Is it me, or is this year flying quickly by?

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