Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

The Camellia is an evergreen and the frost will not hurt it. It blooms in the winter all the way to spring. It is the state flower of Alabama.

We thought the Candlebush and the Red Hibiscus looked nice together. Jack Frost killed them though. Now Mommy has to cut them back.

Before Jack Frost killed the Candlebush Mommy collected seeds. Do you see the seed pods on the bush?

Jack Frost got our Confederate Rose too, but it will come back from the roots next spring.

Mommy rooted some Red Hibiscus before Jack Frost killed it.

We just thought this looked weird. We thinks it is seeds.

We don't know much about the Bottlebrush, maybe MoMo can tell us more about it. Jack Frost didn't seem to hurt it and it is still blooming.

Some of the leaves on some of the trees are even changing color.

- Thursday In The Garden
The Angel Trumpet is safe in the Greenhouse now. We had a frost November 24th and it had to go live in the Greenhouse until Spring. We got a nice picture of it blooming I bet you can't guess what color it is going to be. I will show you Saturday....

- Thursday In The Garden With Arty Mouse
The obligatory glamor shot of my glamorous self. Mommy got all the dead zinnias out of this bed, she made a bad mistake though she accidentally cut our Goldflame Honeysuckle down. We hopes it will grow back. Mommy is trying to root some of it in the greenhouse....

- Thursday In The Garden
 I am enjoying the Butterfly Garden for as long as I can since  winter is on the way. We are hoping the Red Hibiscus will bloom before it dies. It has lots of buds on it. We wouldn't buy this plant again. It is very high maintenance and...

- Twins On Tuesday ~ Another Dare
Maya and Kena -We dare you all to take part in helping prevent global warming (even by making tiny changes) by planting a seed of any species of plant, naming it, and watching it grow while posting the progress on your blog! We are kinda doing this backward...

- Flowers On Friday By Scylla
These pictures were taken November 6th. Many of our kitty friends that live further north then we do were surprised we still had flowers this late into the fall. We still had flowers and butterflies until the night of November 18th. That night Jack Frost...

