Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

Look what WE got!!!!!! It is a Pet Box. Fenris won it at Sugar's Birthday Party.

It is addressed to Fenris, so Mommy says it is HIS and that HE gets to open it.

Silly Mommy thinks I need her help and permission to open things.

This can't be harder to open then my puzzle feeder.

Let's see.

Well that didn't work.

Uh-oh, where did it go.

How very rude running away from me.

Mommy says there must be something really good inside because I am one determined kitty.

Blast it, I don't think I can open this.

Well call me impressed the box is Scylla Proof. ~Scylla reporting for ATCAD

- What's In The Box Wednesday With Fenris
Scylla tried to get in the box but she couldn't, it has my name on it. That means only I can open it. I can't wait. It was packed with love and just look at all the loot that was inside. No wonder Scylla was trying to get in it, she smelled FOODS....

- Door
DoorsBy Carl Sandburg An open door says, “Come in.”A shut door says, “Who are you?”Shadows and ghosts go through shut doors.If a door is shut and you want it shut,     why open it?If a door is open and you want it open,    ...

- Scylla Sunday ~ Bad Sports
Mommy you has entered me in the wrong category. I is much cuter then that big galoot of a dawg you got for your birthday, I is not a BAD SPORT. Enter me in the Too Darn Cute category this instant! Well yes, I did claw the door frame and tear up the weather...

- Boys Are Silly Says Silly Scylla
(Fenris)Why can't I get to Mommy? What is in the way?  (Scylla) It is Mommy's new door silly dog. Boys are very silly, both Socks and Fenris kept running into the doors and bonking their heads when Daddy first put them up. What happened...

- From Across The Pond By Artemisia
A package arrived for us from across the pond! Being a silly kitty I thought Mommy meant from across our pond but she said no she was referring to this thing called an Ocean and that our friend GJ and his Mum live in a place called the United...

