Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

Mommy is trimming the roses and training some of the other vines to go on the roof, I am snoopervising, it is very exhausting work.

I has to make sure her clumsiness  doesn't fall off the ladder. It's nerve racking.

Now that we are inside I has to make sure she dust properly. Sometimes she doesn't put the knick knacks back where they belong. I don't know what she would do without me. Humans are so helpless without their cats. ~Scylla, reporting for Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs

- Tuiren Tuesday
Mommy says I am lazy. I am always the last one up, especially if it is cold outside. And unlike Fenris I don't follow her around. Hey I knows Mommy can find her way back from the little girls room, she doesn't need my help and IF she does get...

- Scylla Sunday
I am letting it all hang out, Mommy says this is most unladylike and that I should keep my private parts covered. I say being a lady is highly overrated. Mommy says I am gong to make Brain blush, are you blushing Brian? Mommy also says I am going to fall...

- Thursday In The Garden
This hanging basket is looking really pretty. The white roses are putting on a show for us. The Clematis are blooming up a storm, that is a blue pansy next to them. The pale pink roses aren't they purrty? The Shasta Daisy. Nice picture of the entire...

- Add
We had to add an S at the end of Dog, cause now we has TWO DOGS instead of A DOG. For our new readers, the blog started off as ALASANDRA AND THE CATS, that's right it was just a CAT blog. Then Mommy went and gotted Fenris for her birthday so we had...

- Tsarina Tuesday (sleeping Beauty)
 I am very exhausted. I have been helping Mommy in the yard. Our Lantana is blooming, isn't it pretty the bees buzz around it a lot.  The Rooster Violets are simply pawsome, they blooms all year. I love these flowers.  The Foxgloves...

