Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

 It is a bit nippy out but at least it is sunny. I was getting tired of all the rain.

 I has to make sure my furs look good in case Brian comes over. I always wanna look my best for him.

 My stars the butterflies are fluttering about.

 Boy does sitting in the sunshine feel good.

 Maybe a little dirt bath.

 No Mommy, I am not getting dirty.

She is so silly I is getting clean. ~Scylla

- Scylla Sunday
 Way back on January 29th it was in the 70s and we went outside, me to play and Mommy to weed.  There are lots of birds fluttering around.  Fenris and Tuiren wish they could hang out at the Hummingbird Cottage with us. They are sitting...

- Scylla Sunday
 Purple is my favorite color so I thoughts I would share the Purple Devil's Trumpet with you. It is safe in the garage now we had a frost a few nights ago. Daddy hasn't put the Greenhouse back together yet. Once he does me and Mommy will...

- Scylla Sunday
 I just love sitting in the Hummingbird Cottage.  There is lots to see.  I do believe there are some geese down at the pond.  I'll just spy on them from here. Geese can be vicious. Before the flowers start coming up I can use this...

- Thursday In The Garden
 Some of the Zinnias are still looking good and some are coming up from seeds from the first crop.  The Blue Daze is dazzling.  The Butterflies are fluttering around.  The Candlebush is breathtaking. It gives our yard a nice tropical...

- Thanks Jan's Funny Farm ~ Happy Cat
JFF passed this pawsome award on to us  The only thing the awardees have to do is to list 5 things that make them happy, link to the blog that has given them the award (that is JFF in our case) so that the others can check it out, sit back and...

