Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

 Purple is my favorite color so I thoughts I would share the Purple Devil's Trumpet with you. It is safe in the garage now we had a frost a few nights ago. Daddy hasn't put the Greenhouse back together yet. Once he does me and Mommy will have to lug all the plants we lugged into the garage over to the greenhouse. Mouses, it would have been so much nicer if the Greenhouse had been ready before the cold weather.

 We certainly got a work out lugging all the plants into the garage.

 I helped every paw of the way.

 The grass is still purrty and green.

 I am sitting on Mommy's feet so she will have to stand still for a second.

 Mommy planted the Devil's Trumpet in the pot with the Angel Trumpets, so far they have bloomed at different times.

 Now while Mommy is industriously weeding, I am going to do some grooming.

 Being clean is very impawtant.

 I am hoping Brain will come over later and court me.

 He always says the sweetest things.

 Maybe I'll take a short nap before he gets here.

 Mommy, Tuiren went over the fence again.

 Mouses what good are fence if they don't keep doggies contained.

 OK back to my bath.

 I am afraid I may have missed a spot.

 There I thinks I am clean all over now.

 I wonders if I can find some nice dust to roll n.

 Dust does wonderful things for your furs.

Scylla reporting for ATCAD

- Thursday In The Garden
The Devil's Trumpet still blooming up a storm, it also has a seed on it. The roses looking beautiful. And I am already for Thanksgiving. What do you mean I don't belong on the table?????? I belongs where I wants. Doesn't the Cape Honeysuckle...

- Clean ~photo Hunt By Scylla
 Mommy says I am NOT CLEAN!  Mommy says I am dirty, I do not know why she thinks I am unCLEAN just because I has dirt in my furs.  Mommy says I needs a bath to CLEAN my furs.  I likes being dirty, I do not want to be CLEAN. I especially...

- Thursday In The Garden With Socks
Our report for the Society of Feline Gardeners. Do go by Jonesie's to see what everybuddy else has going on. I thinks it was Alfie & Milo who suggested photographing fall leaves. We don't have many fall leaves here most of our trees are evergreens...

- Wordy Wednesday
 Our yellow Angel Trumpet is doing pawsomce. The pink one hasn't bloomed this year, and we don't even have a Devil's Trumpet this year. This is how you tells Angel & Devil Trumpets apart. Angel Trumpets point down and have green stems....

- Thursday In The Garden
 This is one of our Kalanchoes, we has a yellow one too, but it is not blooming.  Mommy was pleasantly suprised at how well this one has done.   A little wildflower that is living in a pot in the greenhouse. Mommy loves how delicate...

