Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

 I just love sitting in the Hummingbird Cottage.

 There is lots to see.

 I do believe there are some geese down at the pond.

 I'll just spy on them from here. Geese can be vicious.

Before the flowers start coming up I can use this bed to take a dirt bath. I loves getting dirts in my furs.

It's good for your complexion. ~Scylla

- Wildlife Wednesday
A lot of our friends have commented on how rude the geese they know are. Ours must have attended a Manners Class as they are very nice. We thoughts we would tell you a little about them. We don't know where they come from but sometime in late January...

- Saturday Sharing
The goslings are growing up. They came very close to Mommy when she was in the Hummingbird Cottage. Can you see the babies. They are camouflaged good in the grass. Our geese are very well behaved but we are thankful it is only ONE family. Further down...

- Scylla Sunday
 It is a bit nippy out but at least it is sunny. I was getting tired of all the rain.  I has to make sure my furs look good in case Brian comes over. I always wanna look my best for him.  My stars the butterflies are fluttering about.  Boy...

- Sunday Sharing
These are the wildflowers Daddy is cultivating we made Mommy look their name up so we could share it with you. They are called Bird's Foot Violet, Pansy Violet, Hens & Roosters. We likes the Pansy Violet name the best and Mommy thinks they look...

- Thursday In The Garden
 We sent Fenris to look for Spring for us as we didn't want to get our paws muddy.  The geese are here, we thinks they bring Spring with them.  Especially as March 5th a goose started sitting on a nest.      This...

