Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

 Socks and I our spending time in the CATS jungle gym. Hear that Fenris it belongs to us cats no DOGS allowed. Isn't the Rye Grass pretty and green. We just love it. Mommy says the only problem is Daddy didn't plant enough of it, she would like it all over the yard.

 Socks thinks Daddy was very naught to put Fenris' yard around our jungle gym.

 I likes to get on the roof cause you can see for a very long way when you are up there.

 I is telling Socks everything I saw, he never gets up there.

 Mommy is spying on us again.

Scylla & Socks

Happy New Year!
May your 2012 be full of peace, prosperity, good health and joy.
~AFSS & Alasandra 

- Scylla Sunday
I got in my Jungle Gym. I hardly ever get to play in it anymore because it is in the DOG's yard. I really likes it up here, and the dogs  can't get up here. MOL, no dogs allowed. Enjoying hanging out and spying on my Daddy. He is working...

- Fenris Friday
We won this terrific prize from Dakota's Den.  They has Pet Cakes by Lucky Paws for Dogs and Cats. These are the ones for cats. You has a tray in the shape of fish to bake (microwave) them in. We were going to show you Mom's cooking but...........first...

- Thanksgiving Gotcha / Adoption Stories
Minna Krebs is hosting the Gotcha/Adoption Stories, so please paw over to her blog to read more heartwarming stories.  I use to live at Grandma & Grandpa's house. They have lots of cats because they refuse to get their cats spayed and neutered....

- Introducing ...... & Confucius Cat Purrs 4 Peace Week 29 Peace On Earth. Good Will Toward Men...and Cats...and Other Animals
These are my baby pictures (October 3, 2009). I was born at Grandma's House. I was a barn cat. I didn't have a warm house to sleep in and I didn't get taken to the vet. All that changed Christmas. My Mommy & Daddy still miss Charybdis...

- Momo's Birthday/gotcha Day
My beloved MoMo is celebrating her birthday/gotcha day today (September 9th) and I wanted to do something special for her, so with a lot of help from the Zoolatry Girls I am throwing her a party. For those of you wondering why we are posting this on the...

