Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

It is cold outside.

Socks and I are snuggling in Youngest Boy Bean's bed.

I miss Charybdis, she should be here snuggling with me.

Youngest Boy Bean is reading us a story to cheer me up.

I am visiting Daddy now. He plays with me.

I know it looks like I am sleeping, but I am ready to pounce on him when he gets up.

Mommy promised me a special Christmas present. I looked and looked for it Christmas Day and didn't find it then the beans went to Meridian and they came back with my Christmas present. Apparently Sandy Paws delivered it there by mistake. Cepts I don't like it. How do I send a present back to the North Pole? Mommy says she will grow on me but I have my doubts. I thinks I prefer Fenris. Mommy I am mad at you! ~Scylla

- Mancat Monday ~ Christmas Past (2007)
 Charybdis is chasing a red dot.  We all wanted to check out what was going on Christmas. Scylla is in the lead here.  And that red dot managed to tire the kittens out.  This is one of my favorite ornaments. Charybdis ready to pounce,...

- Mancat Monday ~ Sharing The Bed With Scylla
 Mommy hasn't made up the bed yet. I am enjoying the nice flannel sheets. I thinks RED shows off my furs nicely and looks like Christmas.  Scylla is on the bed too, but SHE is on the electric blanket.  I is resting up, I saw Daddy get...

- Our Names
Reilly is having a contest. All you has to do is tell about your names. My name is Fenris Wolf and it comes from Norse Mythology. My youngest boy bean gave me my name. Mommy was going to name me Marrock after a character in a book she was reading. My...

- Socks Update
I am doing good. I am actually a good boy about taking my medicine unlike certain sisters I know (Scylla). I hid under the printer stand for awhile. Now that I am feeling better I am dividing my time between sleeping in Mommy's chair and on Eldest...

- It'll Be A Blue Christmas Without You
Today is Whiskers' Gotcha Day. He was youngest boy beans birthday present when he was just a little bean not even in school yet. And we still miss our darling girl. On a happier note we got these pawsome Christmas Cards electronically. From...

