Scylla Sunday & Happy Birthday ML

Scylla Sunday & Happy Birthday ML

This is MY KINGDOM, but I lets Artemisia visit.

Us rulers has to stick together.

The study is Socks' principality. He is content being a Prince.

Hmmm..........I thinks I sees an intruder I needs to exterminate.
(PS: Mommy says I has a heart on my side, do you see it?)

And now we all wishes to remember someone who has a really BIG HEART and keeps the Catblogosphere running. She is always doing nice things for kitties and beans, so please join us in wishing ML a Happy Birthday!!!!!!! Please go by her blog and let her know we are all thinking of her on ML DAY!!!!!

Artemisia, Fenris, Socks, Scylla & Our Mom Alasandra

- Scylla Sunday
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