Tomorrow is Ayla's Birthday

Tomorrow is Ayla's Birthday

We got this cool award from Ayla & Iza. Look it even has butterflies on it. Let's see we thinks we are suppose to tell you 9 things about us cats.

  1. Artemisia keeps getting leaves in her tail.
  2. We all likes dog food and will eat out of Fenris bowl, even though we are scared of him. We forgets we are afraid when food is involved.
  3. Socks likes raw shrimp but will not eat it cooked.
  4. When Artemisia first came to live with us the only thing she would eat was scrambled eggs. She eats everything now.
  5. Socks and Artemisia like to sit in Mommy's lap when she is at the computer. They takes turns.
  6. Artemisia sits in Mommy's lap when she is reading or watching TV in the chair and a half.
  7. Scylla only sits in Mommy's lap when she is in bed or in the human litter box room.
  8. We loves boxes.
  9. We have all been spayed/neutered and microchipped.
Now we are suppose to give it to 9 cats/dogs
  1. We are going to give it to Simon because he lost his old home and found a new one, but so far his brofurs don't like him, so he needs some friends.
  2. Khyra
  3. Ciara, Thunder & Phantom
  4. Siena & Chilli
  5. Buddy, Merci & Sam @ JFF
  6. The Daily G's
  7. Gracie @ Goodness Gracie
  8. The Kool Kitty Krew
  9. Goldie, Shade & Banshee
Tomorrow is Ayla's birthday so be sure to stop by and help her celebrate.

Happy Birthday Ayla!

- Stylish Blogger Award
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- Thank You Islay
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- Mancat Monday ~ Socks
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- Scylla Cubed
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