Scylla Sunday in the TUB!

Scylla Sunday in the TUB!

I am not sure why Mommy put a plant in my BATHTUB.

This TUB would be great for taking dirt baths if the Yellow Bell wasn't in the way.

Oh well I guess I will just have to share with the Yellow Bell.

This is a pretty comfortable way to lay.

Now for a good roll.

Er, I thinks the Yellow Bell is in the way.

And this way I am in danger of falling out of the TUB.

This is so not working out.

Luckily no one is around to see me squirming around in the TUB.

Although I has this funny feeling someone is watching me.

But I certainly don't see anyone.

I guess I will go back to my dirt bath.

I rolls to the left.

And I reaches for the sky.

Mommy!!!!!, where did YOU come from?

Have you been spying on me?

I has a sinking sensation that telephoto lens thing has been taking my picture.

It is very rude to take someones picture when they are in the TUB.

I wonder how Mommy would like it IF I took her picture when she was in the TUB?

Oh well, I am comfy here. I am not going to let her spoil my fun.

But STOP taking pictures. ~Scylla, scolding Mommy for ATCAD

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