Scylla Update

Scylla Update

Scylla seems to be feeling better today. She is eating, drinking and grooming herself. She is determined to be well enough to go to The Cat Realm's Annual Lizard BBQ & Blogoversery tomorrow. They had this award made up for us.

As a token of their appreciation for our presence in their life. Isn't that sweet! It made Scylla feel much better.

In case you didn't know The Cat Realm is having a raffle and they extended the deadline for the raffle to April 15 at midnight Pacific. Emil will do the drawing on the 16th and post the winner on April 17. All money will be donated to Cat Friends Helping Friends!

Scylla seems to be responding well to her medication so Mommy is going to call our regular vet today and ask her if she thinks Mommy should bring her in (The ER vet sent the records to Dr. Lisa so she will have all the pertinent information). But we think barring any unforeseen complications Scylla is on the mend.

Charybdis is being very naughty though, she hisses every time Scylla gets close. Apparently she doesn't like the vet smells, maybe once Scylla has completed her grooming Charybdis will stop with the hissing. It's very annoying.


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