Scylla & Charybdis Post

Scylla & Charybdis Post

We tried to unpack Daddy's suitcase so he couldn't go on his business trip, but Charybdis couldn't figure out how the zipper worked (rats).

Mommy gave us a bath. Scylla was very good and sat quietly in the tub while Mommy bathed her, but Charybdis threw a hissy fit. We think it was very mean of Mommy to bath us, just because she enjoys bubble baths doesn't mean we do. It messes up our fur dreadfully.

Lord Epa made a cave for Scylla to hide in while she dried off.

Scylla went down to the butterfly garden today. She caught a BIG SYCAMOUR LEAF. Mommy laughed at her.

We also saw our hummingbird friend, when we were sitting out on the jungle gym with Mommy. Our friend was drinking out of the feeder when another hummingbird came up and rammed him, then they engaged in a war of aerial acrobats. It was neat to watch, but they were moving so fast Mommy couldn't get a picture. Who knew hummingbirds were so violent. We hope all our friends are having a good day. We are going to take a nap. ~Scylla & Charybdis

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