Slowing Down

Slowing Down

Yesterday was a "slow down" kind of day.
I needed it.
Stop.  Take a deep breath...really deep...exhale slowly.
Feel it?
That's the sort of day it was.

After all the preparations, the lists, the projects of the past few weeks,
I took a day to just enjoy the farm.
I try to live my life as if each day could be the last, but honestly, I do often get so 
bogged down with busy-ness that I "sniff" the roses instead of truly burying my nose
in them and inhaling like there's no tomorrow!

Besides laundry and the usual animal chores,
I took a little time to sew....
making 5 party buntings... just because.
Just because ... I want life to feel like a party sometimes ... just because.
Just because, life is so good ... it should be celebrated.

I took some time to stroll through my gardens.

and vegetables....

Mother Nature has gifted us with rainfall almost nightly, so my watering chores
have been minimal and everything is green and lush.

Such a change from the drabness of winter just a few short months ago; 

I am mesmerized by the intensity of color that the warmth of the sun reawakens.

I have learned that planting a garden not only nourishes our bodies 
with the best nutrients this earth has to offer,

it also fills our senses and nourishes our soul with vibrant energy and tangible beauty.

After taking in the saturated colors and varied textures of plant life,

I spent a little time just enjoying the critters through the camera lens...

the barnyard silent, except for the peaceful munching of hay...

and the occasional crooning roo...

all the while aware of the drama being played out in the sky above...

on this oh, so perfect day!

It is so important to look beyond the obvious, 
to the delicate beauty that lies beneath each living thing....

 like the incredible detail in a single feather.
Oh, that we all could see the amazing beauty that the natural world offers to us!

And at the end of the day, I fixed myself a fancy lemonade and a cookie...

just because...
 because life is meant to be celebrated.

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