Smiles to Share

Smiles to Share

I am blessed....
blessed with days full of smiles.

My days are simple,
filled with simple pleasures....
simple pleasures that make me smile.


Sparkey, begging for more breakfast....

Oakley, as he races the gator, accompanying me during chores....

The excitement of my girls, as they get ready to go out for free ranging....

And their obvious pleasure
 in snacking on wild raspberries at the edge of the woods....

A sure sign that summer is here....

The "peep, peep, peep, chuck, chuck" cry of my turkeys
as they answer my call....

Steam rising from the manure pile...
a sign of healthy compost that will
nourish next year's gardens...

Joyous anticipation of dinner....

Pots overflowing with beautiful flowers....

Antiques brimming with color....

Summer's bounty soon to be harvested....

Ducklings who are now enormous!....

Happy yearlings playing in the pasture....

On any given day, these things and so many more make me smile.
I am so very thankful for all of these blessings.
This truly is an amazing world.

I hope you shared a few smiles with me!
Have a great day...and take time to notice the little things that make you smile.
It's the little things that make life sweet.

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