Snow, Snow, Snow

Snow, Snow, Snow

Most of us along the East coast have received a good dose of holiday snow this weekend. I thought I would share just a few pictures from around the farm. We all love the snow so much...that is everyone but the goats, chickens, and guineas. They stay indoors and just look out at the stuff, while the rest of us romp and play....
Looks like we'll have a white Christmas, after all!

- Snow Day?
There was a day (long ago) when the mere mention of "SNOW DAY"sent fluttering butterflies of excitement through my soul. Those were the days when a snow day school,playing for hours on mountains of snow left at the curb by the plow,snow...

- More Snow....
With the exception of Wednesday, it looks as though this week is a snow week. The dogs love the snow and look forward to each time we go outside for chores.Romping, playing, running along with the gator.... and looking for tasty treats in the snow are...

- Snow Day!
Yesterday I said that there is no such thing as a "snow day" in my life anymore.Well, as luck would have it...yesterday was usual day off from farm work...(thanks to our friends Jim and Kathy who take over for me on Wednesdays)and it snowed...

- The Magic Of Snow
Sunday morning we awoke to a fresh blanket of snow.I am still in that part of the wintertime where snow excites me.In December and January, I view the snow through romantic eyes...through magical memories of childhood days. First snows. White Christmases....

- Wintry Weekend
After waiting for what has seemed like an eternity,the first snow of Winter arrived this weekend. Now, you may remember that we had a 6 inch snowfallon the weekend after Halloween.(Yes, that was the weekend we drove to W.V. to pick up our piglets,and...

