Socks ~ Mancat Monday

Socks ~ Mancat Monday

OK guys & gals, most of you remember a couple of weeks ago when I had to go to the vet and get stitches. We promised to show you my battle scares.  Here I am resting on the electric throw after my ordeal. Scylla is keeping me company.
I did a lot of snoozing in youngest boy bean's bed too. He gave me lots of petting.

The worse part of the whole ordeal was they stole my furs. Why you wouldn't even be able to see the scars if I still had my furs.
At least I didn't have to wear one of those cone things (shuddering).

Here you can see the small boo boo on my shoulder. It wasn't very bad.

The scare on my chest required surgery and I was stapled back together. Mommy called me FrankenKitty. She is really weird but she has a thing for Deucalion. She is eagerly anticipating the next novel in the series.

If you bigify the picture you might see the staples better. To bad they don't have a category for Warrior Kitties at Mango Minster, I would be a shoe in for sure. If you haven't entered I suggest you have your human whip together a post and send (email) it over. The deadline for entering is January 30th.  Click here for details.

- Tuiren Tuesday
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- Fenris Friday
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- Socks Update
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