Socks to the rescue

Socks to the rescue

Graphic by Gracie addition by Socks
Well leave it to Scylla to take us to a restaurant instead of THE OUTBACK, last time I leave her in charge of the teleporting device. But all's well that ends well I suppose Gracie and Olive didn't have any food so we loaded up this car we found in the parking lot with foods from the restaurant and teleported to THE OUTBACK. This outfit is kinda warm so I am fixing to get naked. . ~Socks

- Paris - Day 1
Gracie invited us to go to Paris with her and the Gang. Needless to say we packed our bags and teleported over. We loved the Palace of Versailles, especially the Gardens Socks & Scylla @ The Grove of Apollo’s Baths Tuiren & Fenris @ The Encelade...

- Our Saturday Just Got Sadder ~ Olive
Graphic by ZoolatryOlive's blog Cat Naps in Italy, hasn't been active for awhile but she is a special friend of ours. She is also the niece of Goodness Gracie. We are very sad that she has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Olive we didn't get to...

- Meet @ The Outback
We got a text from Gracie telling us to meet them at the Outback. Well since I am starving that sounded like a great idea so me and Socks got here and there is no sign of Gracie and Olive. We went ahead and went inside to get a table and enjoy some appetizers...

- @ The Beach
Photo by Gracie with Additions by Socks left to right Socks, Olive, Gracie Background Scylla Hi guys after a brief visit home to check on the Mom we are back in Australia. I do believe that Scylla has had to much to drink, she is rolling around in the...

- Ayres Rock
Photo by Gracie front~l-r: Charlotte, Gracie, Scylla & Socksback~ Karl & Ruis. . . Thank cat for the time difference and the teleporting thing. I was able to teleport home to do my gardening post Thursday and still get back here in time for...

