Spring Chickens and More Goat Babies!!

Spring Chickens and More Goat Babies!!

A 5:45 AM call, yesterday, to the local Postmaster revealed
that my shipment of 24 Cuckoo Maran chicks had arrived.

I zipped into town and picked up my new charges,
bringing them home to the farm for some TLC.

This batch of chicks is getting every available remedy
to assure that they get off to a good start.

Their temporary home is this large box set in one of the barn stalls.
It has a well fitting wire lid to assure the barn kitties
don't get inside to play.
A heat lamp keeps the chicks toasty warm.
And judging by the fact that they are active and spread out over the entire box,
it is just the right temperature for them.
Otherwise, they would all cluster together to stay warm.

Their water has electrolytes added to it.
I mixed up a batch of hydrating gel for them and fed it to them
on arrival....along with a couple of hard cooked egg yolks.

They have discovered their chick "grower" crumbles and are eating ravenously.

You might notice that all of them are grey and yellow, with the exception of one.

The hatchery has a habit of including an extra "surprise" chick with each order.

My experience tells me that this chick will end up being another rooster.
(which I hardly need!)

Meet Henry and Fifi...

Now I only have to come up with 23 more French names 
for the rest of the gals!

Tres jolie, nes pas

News Flash.....

O'Malley had twins last evening.
First born was a little red girl....

Followed by a little black and white boy...
(of all things!)

Mother and babies are doing great!

Just wait until they discover all of their new playmates.
There's gonna be a wild time in the nursery in a couple of days!

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