Spring Fever

Spring Fever

We had a little preview of Spring yesterday.
With temperatures reaching 51...
we were filled with a little promise and a whole lot of joy.

Our farrier came to trim hooves,

and while that was happening,
Scarlet and the Littles were doing a happy dance!

After settling down, these three also had their pedicures.
Note how muddy (not to mention how knock-kneed) Red's legs are...

What's up with that wild looking hairdo, Scarlet?

- Of Icy Fingers And Pedicures
And so another Friday arrives.It's been a cold week here on the farm. Beautiful ice sculptures have formed...  from water being pumped out of the old log cabin's basement.Frozen pillars dance in a circle around a fountain of frigid spring...

- Pedi Day
With temps in the low 60's and no rain in sight,yesterday was the perfect day to finish my hoof trimming rounds. Last week Red and Ollie were groomed and trimmed. Yesterday... the Bigs had their turn. First Scarlet who patiently let me trim even the...

- New Shoes
For most women, the thought of new shoes conjures up images ofthis... or this.... For me, "new shoes" usually means this.... One of Sammy's favorite days is when the farrier comes to shoe Moonbeam. Sammy cautiously waits... And just at the right...

- A Day At The Spa
I treated the "Bigs" to a day at the spa, yesterday.The weather was balmy...in the low 30's. More snow is expected today and later this week, making yesterday the best day for a little routine maintenance. Moonbeam and Donnie were groomed, with...

- She's Here!
Welcome Scarlet! Yesterday Becky and I went to pick up Donnie Brasco's little sister. We arrived at the Charles Farm....and went out to look at the pony herd.What a beautiful group of ponies.And a new baby, too!Scarlet was a bit curious and came right...

