Start Spreading The News.....

Start Spreading The News.....

After months of wondering....
The proof is finally here!

Henri/Henriette has found his/her gender identity!

While the Marans were chicks, and little "Henri" was the surprise
Polish crested amongst the group, I just assumed he would be a rooster.
(They always are!)

But then, the girls and Henri came of age and there were no outward signs....
no flashy tail feathers,
no spurs,
no "Cock-a-Doodle"....not even an occasional "Dooooooo".

And Henri became Henriette.

Until yesterday.

Turn up your volume.....

 There you have it, folks.....
yet another rooster in the Henhouse.
(That makes 4 in this henhouse.)
Luckily, Henri, is not interested in the ladies.


- Who's Who....part 5
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- Much Ado About Roos!
Well, it's finally happened.After nearly two years,all of the Roos have found the hens. Let me "recap" for you.... Two summers ago, I bought a dozen Ameraucana chicks...a "straight run" as they call it....unsexed.Well, the odds were not in my favor...

- Chicken Lovers And Pigs' Feet
You might remember last summer...I raised two new groups of hens. The first group were the Frenchies (Cuckoo Maran hens)who included one orange Polish Crested Rooster named Henri,and who were moved into the henhouse by the barn at about three months...

- Chicken Poo And Tyler, Too!
And so the rains continue...and at the most inconvenient times.Like....right at feeding time. Henri can't remember the last time he had dry feathers for an entire day.And with his wet head-dress, we can finally see that Henri does indeed have eyes!...

- Our Birds, Our Bird Dogs
I pulled this photo out of the archives. It just might be my favorite.It's of Rod, of course,in his younger days. I get so many comments about Rod.And yes his full name is Rod Stewart.He just reminds me so much of Rod Stewart in the 80's,when...

