Sweet by Artemisia

Sweet by Artemisia

I LOVE my SWEET Sister.

Don't we look SWEET cuddling together.

We LOVES to sleep together now.

 Scylla & Artemisia two SWEET GIRLS.

Mommy says I copy Scylla a lot. I even put my paws over my eyes like she does. Mommy thinks that is very SWEET.


- The Cat Realm Sweetens Socks' Day
1. Thank a blogger for nominating you. The Cat Realm was so very kind to think of me. Thanks you so much for giving me this super sweet award. 2. Include the award image on your blog. 3. Nominate and notify a baker's dozen sweet blogs for this award....

- Mancat Monday & Fenris Update
 I is spending the day in bed with my sister Scylla. Mommy says we are lazy.  Scylla really knows how to relax.  Mommy loves my spotted belly furs. I really knows how to relax too.  Scylla can't get enough of the electric blanket....

- Mancat Monday ~ Socks
Hi everybody, would you like to join me in the Butterfly Garden? I am going to drink some water out of the fountain, you are welcome to try some. I may pounce on my sister, Artemisia has been pestering me. She said she had a secret to tell me. She said...

- Beautiful Blogger Award
Ayla & Iza gave us the beautiful award, look it even has butterflies on it. According to the rules, we are supposed to tell you seven new things about ourselfs.  An ya gotta link ta the kitty (that was Ayla & Iza) what awarded it ta ya and...

- Don't Forget The Doggies In Rainsville Who Need Homes
There are still 42 doggies that need homes before the mean people of Rainsville come take them away from Carroll and kill them. They are all very cute and sweet. Here are some girls who would love to be part of your family.Susie - she is a female Labrador...

