Surf's Up!

Surf's Up!

With the advent of warmer weather came the necessity for some way for our dear
piggy girls to cool off.
Apparently, pigs don't sweat and are not good at getting rid of heat,
so hot days are hard on them.

The solution?
A piggy pool, of course.

And yesterday MaryAnn decided to try it out.....

If you've never seen a pig smile, you have now!

She'd be doing back flips and cannon balls into the pool if she could!

In our search for something to use as a pool,
we weren't satisfied with plastic kiddie pools, as the sides are flimsy
and the edges are sharp.

So, instead, we opted for a sand box that was solid plastic.

It holds water well...just deep enough for a lounging pig!

MaryAnn would give it "two thumbs up" if she had thumbs!

And, as you can see it is just the right height for them to enter and exit 
with no difficulty!

After their swim,
they happily ran back to the barn for supper.

And when I say run.... these two gals can really cover a lot of ground in a short time!
They may not look it, but they are quite athletic!

Just in case they decide to head the wrong way, we keep their lead ropes and halters on...
until they are safely tucked in their stall.

And just because I got this adorable picture of Daphne,
 I will share it with you....

Isn't she just the most stubborn sweetest girl ever?

PS....yes I have eeked a little time out to sew.
I put pictures of my latest work on my sewing blog

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