Taking the Good With the Bad

Taking the Good With the Bad

Living on a farm and raising critters has helped me learn to take the bad right along with the good. Afterall, how can we wake up every morning expecting each day to be sunny. A certain amount of cloudy, rainy weather must pass through in order to keep those sunny days so beautiful. And so it is with the rest of life on the farm. The cycle of life continues and just as birth brings new life, a certain amount of death occurs in preparation for new life. It is the way life was meant to be. And so we learn to take the good with the bad...the sadness serving to make the joy even sweeter.

Sadly, we lost another baby chick...only the strong survive....it is the way of the world. Happily, though, the 24 remaining birdies are gleefully running around peeping their lungs out...eating, drinking, frolicking, sleeping. What a comedy show they are!

Another sad note...we have only two ducks remaining. Our dear Daffy met with his demise recently. We have such a small amount of traffic that passes by our farm. Occasionally, someone drives a bit too fast past our pond, putting our ducks in peril...as they sometimes hang out near or on the road. On this particular occasion, Daffy was crossing the road and was killed by a motorist travelling too fast to be able to stop for a lone duck in the road. I hope this is a lesson to that driver. Although country roads seem like good places to speed....you just never know what might be on the road at any given moment.

And so we say goodbye to Daffy.

Dorkey and Methuselah are our only two remaining ducks. Next project: order and raise more ducks. (Note to self: hang a couple more "Duck Crossing" signs.)

- Goodbye Methuselah
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- Tiny Miracles
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- Back To Farm Life
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- Muscovy Mystery
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- Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places
For the past several months, our duck "count" has remained at four. Methuselah still lives....frequently visited by a few pairs of mallards and a pair of wood ducks. We also had 3 surviving "ugly" Muscovy ducks. As of late, our female Muscovy has disappeared....

