Tattle Tail Tuesday with Charybdis

Tattle Tail Tuesday with Charybdis

We were tagged to do a meme by the gang at Jan's Funny Farm.

The rules are:Show us a photo of the front of your Cold Box and tell us about at least one thing on it and one thing you keep inside of it! Tag your friends and remember to stay COOL! And no fair cleaning it up first!!!

This is the front of our fridge (we deleted private information, our fridge doesn't really have white rectangles, squares and ovals on it). As you can see it is very messy. Since eldest bean son wrecked his car three people are sharing one car. So they have a schedule of when everyone needs the car. Mommy also has some bills hanging on the front of the fridge (that is what we deleted).

This is the side of the fridge, it has stuff hanging on it too. Mommy is so absent minded she has to make a grocery list and a menu for the week. This week Mommy lost her grocery list and had to reconstruct the menue so she would know what to cook. And yikes!!!! Hanging below the menu is the reminder that Scylla & Charybdis have to go to the vet and get their shots. Can the very smart kitties at Jan's Funny Farm teleport over ASAP and help us knock THAT off, we are sure Mommy will forget all about it if the reminder gets LOST.

We are suppose to tell you stuff that is inside of it. Well our favourite stuff in the fridge is the lunch meat and sliced cheese youngest boy bean shares with us cats. (Hiss) Our watermelon is still in the garden waiting to get big enough to pick, the bad thing wasn't ready on the 4th.

We are tagging; Daisy the Curly Cat, Samantha & Tigger, Sassy Kat & MoMo (if they have time. MoMo is visiting while SS is away), Asta, and anyone else who would like to play. If any of you have already done this meme, you can skip it.

Guess what Samantha & Tigger were already tagged by somebody else and they did theirs today too. You can see it here.

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