From Scylla & Charybdis

From Scylla & Charybdis

August cats


One day maybe we can have our own blog, like some of the cool cat bloggers we know, instead of just posting on our Mom's blog.

We especially like Daisy the Curly Cat, Samantha & Tigger are nice too. Samantha looks like a cat my Mom had before she got us. His name was Whiskers and she still misses him a lot.

We have been having tons of fun chasing bugs, climbing trees and chasing each other. (Sometimes Scylla pounces on Socks. She is mean to him she chases him out of his favourite chair, so she can sit there. She also gets on Daddy's motorcycle which is a big no, no. Mommy said if she believed in reincarnation she would think Scylla was Whiskers, because he used to do that too. Shh Don't tell Scylla I told, ~Charybdis). We have also enjoyed playing in all the boxes our people have been getting. Boxes are so much fun, we are glad they buy them for us. Mommy says they actually buy the stuff that comes in the boxes, but that stuff isn't any fun to play with so we don't know why people would buy it.

Charybdis has to go get a cardiac ultrasound next week, thanks to Daisy telling us what will happen she isn't scared anymore. Charybdis thinks she is a big shot because she is getting to go to a university. Don't tell her but I am going to miss her, I hope Mommy & Daddy decide I can go too ~Scylla.

We like walking down to the butterfly garden with Mommy, even though it is a long way from our house. We saw an UGLY spider last time we were down there. Mommy took a picture of it. Speaking of pictures Mommy posted some pictures of us at the top of this post. There are even pictures of Socks in the slide show. Writing a blog is hard work, and it is coming a storm here so we are going to go hide.

~Charybdis & Scylla

PS In case you missed them here are some other post about us. Mommy even has some baby pictures of us. We looked so funny back then.

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