Fairy Garden

Fairy Garden

I 've been working in the garden....




But it's not what you might think.
it's not my vegetable garden,
or even the gardens around the house.

No, this is a teeny tiny garden,
just created.

It's a secret garden for a tiny being.

If you want to sit in this garden,
you will need the special key
(and a little imagination).

There is a clearing, into which will go a tiny cottage.

Fairy toadstools and tiny flowers abound.

And a tiny bridge to cross.
There are teeny pebbles on order to construct a path 
from the bridge to the cottage.
(Still awaiting the arrival of the cottage and pebbles)

There is a willow bench beneath the shade of fern trees
for us to sit and visit.
And if we are very quiet and truly believe....
we might even get to speak to the fairy that lives here!

It has been a perfectly wonderful adventure
to escape to this tiny world during this time
that is so filled with harvesting, and canning, and freezing,
and filling our pantry with all of our garden goodness!
No matter how hot and dry it is on our farm,
this tiny world is always moist and cool and shaded...
the perfect mid- afternoon escape.

Won't you join me???

- Spring Fever...the Donkey Way
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- The Big Reveal
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When I start out each morning for AM chores,I head down the driveway,open up the Roos and the chicks, and then continue on down the driveway to the roadand on to the pond. Once the ducks are fed and I am back on my way to the barn,I am usually greeted...

- The Tale Continues....
I am hoping that if you are reading this post, you have read along all week.I thought I might tie up a few loose ends. First of all....number six.Has continued to spend his days with the gals,his nights back with the frat pack. He is one happy rooster.Has...

I have been missing.Blogger prevented me from visiting with you this past Friday.I am sorry about that. But, I put my time to good use.I have worked and worked.Painted.Weeded.Planted.Mulched. I have been spending my hours in the midst of magic....making...

