Thursday in the Garden

Thursday in the Garden

The is a Vinca Vine Enredadera Vinca it is often called a Periwinkle Flower. That is what Mommy calls it.

Mommy decided to do some special planters this year. This one has Purple Fountain Grass, White Lantana, Burgundy Superbena, a Tobacco Plant and Joseph's Coat (we thinks, Grandma gave it to her so we are not sure that is it's name).

This planter has the same stuff cept it has Yellow Lantana instead of Burgundy Superbena.

She put them out front.

This is a side view of them.

Remember our water fountain down at the Butterfly Garden, well the pump broke. Daddy was going to fix it but he never got around to it so Mommy decided to plant flowers in it. There is Asparagus Fern in the top and then the Periwinkle Flower and another type of Vinca on the bottom.

Right now the 3 other bowls are empty because we didn't know what to put in them. They are very shallow.

And the lyreleaf sage grows wild here and looks very pretty. 

Now we are off to Jonesie's to make our report to The Society of Feline Gardeners. ~Socks & Scylla, reporting for Alasandra, The Cats & Dogs

- Thursday In The Garden
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- Thursday In The Garden
 OK, we knows this is an Asiatic Lily but we aren't sure of it's name.  Mommy has always called it a Tiger Lily. This is photo Mom took laying on the ground with the camera pointed up.  This is a side view.  And this is the...

- Thursday In The Garden
These planters are really doing well. The Fountain Grass is blooming. The Lantana and Verbena are blooming too. The tobacco plant is blooming up a storm. In the Herb Bed the oregano, cilantro and dill are blooming The Hydrangeas are blooming. This one...

