Thursday in the Garden by Arty Mouse

Thursday in the Garden by Arty Mouse

 I am checking out the plants up close and personal.

 The Lantana is blooming in January, it is very confused. It looks nice against my furs. I made sure the Mom saw it.

 Remember when Daddy was digging in the yard. Well a lot of strange men came with a machine that dug and they put a new septic system in for us. This one sprays water up in the air. We may plant some flowers around them but we would have to find something that likes soggy soil and doesn't mind chlorine.

 Daddy has been putting leaves where the barn used to be. He is getting the soils ready for our new flower bed.

 The Pineapple Sage is blooming in the front flower bed.

 The Forsythia has blooms on it.

 The Curry is doing well in the herb bed.

The Oregano and Fennel are still around too.

OK, it is time to go to Jonesie's so I can make my report to the Society of Feline Gardeners. 

~Arty Mouse reporting for AFSS

- Thankful Thursday In The Garden
 The too much rain in July has lead to all sorts of problems in the garden, but we wanted to concentrate on the nice things. The yellow lantana is blooming, it is very cheerful,  and we likes the white lantana too.  The cactus is blooming....

- Thursday In The Garden With Scylla
The Redbud Tree is already blooming, it is very early for it to be blooming but we are enjoying it.   Our Hummingbird Cottage looks just beautiful covered in Carolina Jasmine, there is some growing wild in the woods too. Blackberries growing wild....

- Thursday In The Garden
Jonesie started the Society of Feline Gardeners meeting with a heads up about the best place to buy seeds. Jonesie is supporting United Paws by spreading the word that if you buy garden seeds from Renee's Garden and use code FR227A, 25% of the order...

- Thursday In The Garden
 Daddy tore down the barn. Arty was kinda upset about it cause she liked to hang out in there, on the other hand Mommy was thrilled to see it go cause she was afraid it was going to fall down on top of Arty one day. Arty is OK with it now cause guess...

- Thursday In The Garden With Scylla
 The light pink Camilla is blooming now.  I thinks they are both beautiful.  Pineapple Sage still going strong.  The Bottlebrush is blooming too.  Mommy cleaned out this flower bed so I can sits in it.  I thinks the rocks...

