

Thanks all for the rhubarb advice.
That nasty blossom is history!!

The mini greenhouses that Hubbs and I constructed in the garden have done their job.
Fickle Mother Nature has cast her last icy stare across my garden.
From here on out it's to be seasonable...much warmer at night.

I can scarcely believe that yesterday I had to wear a winter jacket all day long,
as I turned manure piles...
Wouldn't you love some of this rich brown compost for your garden?
mowed pastures...

and weeded flower gardens.

The rock garden that I built last summer is a blanket of violas right now.

These happy-faced little flowers are my new favorite, as they re-seed and
mass-volunteer with each new year.

Of course, as I have shown you countless times, no task is ever done in a solitary manner.
I am always surrounded by friends.

Moll Flanders, our last barn kitty addition, has finally put down some roots.
Over the winter she would come and go....
usually returning with nasty wounds.

It seems she has finally decided to call the barn home,
and frequently accompanies me during gardening chores.

She is the bravest little kitty ever...

undaunted by turkeys,

or dogs.

This week, our picnic pavilion is getting a coating of weather sealing stain,
(the post on the right has been sealed with a walnut brown stain.)
making the pavilion blend in better with the surrounding woods.

Oh how I love cooking this time of year...
every night's dinner made with something fresh from the garden.

Last night's dinner included kale and these radishes...

Kale is one of those super good-for-you foods that you can chop up and put in just about anything.
Well, maybe not in cupcakes....but just about anything else!

- I Need A Week To Rest Up From The Weekend....
We were gifted with another beautiful autumn weekend. By Sunday, however, the weather turned markedly colder...a harsh reminder that winter is on its way. We had farm visitors on Saturday...three grandchildren of a friend. The animals were happy to...

- No Fooling!
Happy, happy April 1st!!Although I have something to crow about... I am going to whisper it to you. I hate to jinx myself by proclaiming this loudly.Come a little's just the best news. Spring has arrived. After fearing for weeks that...

- Turkey Parade
It has been several months, now, since I moved the turkeys to their new house.And still, every evening they return to their old stomping grounds...and roost on the goat yard fence. So....every evening, early, we escort the turkeys back down to the barn,to...

- Our Favorite Dinner Spot
It's that time of year again.I am completely in love.The farm in early summer is nothing short of heaven on earth.And the center of it all, I've got to say, is the garden! Each day I spend countless hours weeding, watering, planting...and then...

- We're Having A Heatwave!
I suppose if I could, I would spend most of my time in the garden.Unfortunately, like a lot of the country, we are in the midst of a heat waveand so my time in the garden is limited to early mornings and late evenings.Sunny days and adequate watering...

