Our Favorite Dinner Spot

Our Favorite Dinner Spot

It's that time of year again.
I am completely in love.
The farm in early summer is nothing short of heaven on earth.
And the center of it all, I've got to say, is the garden!

Each day I spend countless hours weeding, watering, planting...
and then walking through soaking up all of the green, green energy that it gives off.

And to think that just a few short months ago, 
this entire thing was a pile of seeds stuck into tiny pots of soil in our greenhouse.

What a transformation!

Every night when I go to sleep I can hardly wait to wake up the next morning
and go out to the garden.

Of all the things I love to do (and there are many),
I do believe the garden is at the top of the list.

Each year I make modifications to the garden.
One such was the planting of vines such as wisteria and trumpet vine
on the uppermost fence.
Those vines, after three years are now very large and very productive...
adding to the magic of the place!
There are birdhouses all around the garden fence, and families of birds making babies.

This year I planted perennials on the lower end.
I know in the next few years it will look like an old English country garden.
In the far corner of the picture below is a huge Concord grape vine.
In another month or two it will be loaded with sweet purple grapes.

Last night Hubbs and I had dinner in the garden.
The uppermost corner, opposite the playhouse, has a table and chairs
with a blue and green umbrella (that matches the playhouse).

It's here that we ate some leftover tequila lime chicken,
(the best chicken recipe ever!)
a salad picked fresh right there in the garden,
and a glass of wine.

It beat the finest restaurant for ambiance, hands down!
Sadly, I did not take time to stage the table for a photo shoot...
no, we just grabbed the wine and the leftovers from the fridge,
brought our forks,
and enjoyed the scenery....
breathing in the fresh air and the vibrant green energy surrounding us.

Oakley, Sam and Moll joined us.
What fun we had, eating and catching up with each other's day!
Meanwhile, outside the garden were the turkeys and one lone guinea.

It seems this guy, dubbed Caicos by Hubbs,

has been ostracized by the flock.

So, he spends his day hanging out with the turkeys, as he has for months.

Just the three of them.... Turks and Caicos!

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