Thanks for our Prize Tuxedo Gang

Thanks for our Prize Tuxedo Gang

 Our apologies for being so late putting this up. Mommy misplaced the folder with the pictures in it. We are glad she finally found them. We entered the Tuxedo Gang Hideout Valentines Day Contest and WE WON!!!!! Samantha and the Tuxedo Gang sent us these terrific presents and a sweet card. Fenris loves the laser light, us cats haven't figured out which is better playing with the laser light ourselves or watching a HUGE doggie chasing a little bitty red light. The laser light is really neat cause it makes different shapes our favorite is the butterfly.

And the mouse is so cool when Mommy pulls a string it moves all by itself.

Scylla and Arty are trying to figure out how to pull the string themselves since Mommy is busy taking pictures.

Arty says she will just go find a mouse outside as they are easier to get moving. Scylla is determined to figure out the secret of the string. ~Socks

- Mancat Monday ~ Christmas Past (2007)
 Charybdis is chasing a red dot.  We all wanted to check out what was going on Christmas. Scylla is in the lead here.  And that red dot managed to tire the kittens out.  This is one of my favorite ornaments. Charybdis ready to pounce,...

- Scylla Sunday
I loves to lay in the sun light. Bathing in so light is so luxurious don't you think? Mommy had to move the cat stuff to her bedroom to keep Mr. Who from taking it away from US. He has already taken all of Fenris and Turin's toys away from them....

- Very Inspiring Blogger Award ~scylla
Katie, from Glogirly: Tails of a Cat & Her Girl,  was nice enough to give me The Very Inspiring Blogger Award. I shall endeavor to inspire you today. Well first off I went from being a chubby girl, who the vet defended with us chubby girls have...

- Scylla Sunday
Arty MOUSE is sleeping in my spot on the bed, so........................................................... I claimed the laundry basket. It is nice and comfy and Tallulah Skye is napping in here too. We are good friends and she told me.......................................

- Our Mom Is A Flake................ By Afss
First there is the fact she mispronounces words horribly the guy peeps always pick on her about that. Then there is the fact she is very clumsy. Honestly she is always tripping over her own two feet, OK we may have a little to do with that problem as...

