The Arty & Fen Show

The Arty & Fen Show

We assure you that no doggies were hurt during the making of this video, we are just playing. I of course made the rules for our play since I am THE CAT.  We hopes you enjoy it. I has to admit teaching a dog how to play like a cat was a lot of hard work. At first whenever I lifted my paw he ran hide behind Mommy, I had to flop over on my tummy and do the Arty Butt Wiggle in order to convince him I was playing.

This isn't the best movie of us playing as a certain featured actor kept turning around to look at Mommy instead of focusing on ME and playing and having FUN!!!!! I thinks he was hoping for a treat. Mommy is usually cooking or cleaning up the kitchen when we play, so she usually doesn't get pictures so I guesses we should just appreciate the fact she did.

Socks is rather grumpy as now Fenris thinks he wants to play when he raises his paw. I apparently undid all his doggie training. MOL ~Artemisia

PS: The noise in the background is the dishwasher so you may want to turn the sound off, there isn't anything interesting to hear. Can you believe Mommy just discovered she could do this. Stupid Mommy.

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