We are Wordy Wednesday Challenge Players

We are Wordy Wednesday Challenge Players

The beans call me Ninja cat, cause I appear out of thin air and disappear at will.

Charybdis and Whiskers never got to play when they were alive but if you visit The Last Meow and Charybdis, they are playing today. Since Mommy made their pictures they aren't as nice as ours, but it made Mommy smile to remember her angels. Thanks Mrs Ann & Mrs. Judi for making our pictures so we could play. We all loves our pictures.

Scylla wasn't going to play since she played in 2009, with Mrs Ann's help, but Mommy is having so much fun with photoshop (we thinks she is addicted) Scylla wound up playing after all. Mommy even let her choose a new word. Sometimes Scylla is a real Lovebug.

We are proud to be playing WWC2011 with The Cat Blogosphere! ~AFSS

- Scylla Cubed
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- Meowing Monday With Artemisia
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- 13 Things About Charybdis
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- From Scylla & Charybdis
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